Good morning everyone! I'm here to talk about...HEADACHES! Now I know I mentioned in a previous blog post that I've dealt with headaches most of my life. Starting in middle school I started getting really bad migraines. For quite a while, my parents and physician were pretty concerned about it. I went though a TON of testing, including a CAT scan to rule out a tumor and thankfully everything came back fine. I then proceeded to go on a variety of medications throughout middle school and high school including...Imitrex, Maxalt and finally it seemed like Propranolol worked the best (and was the most reasonably priced). I must say, those are some pretty intense prescriptions for a teenager and even at that age I always struggled with taking pills. Propranolol seemed to work for a couple of years but one day I just decided to stop taking it to see what happened, I was sick of taking a pill everyday. Luckily, I seemed to do okay off the medication. I still got the occasional headache but through more holistic healing, I managed. Fast forward to infertility medications...these are some of the nastiest headaches I've had in several years. It doesn't help that I work in the automotive industry so I'm constantly hearing loud noises throughout my work day. I've had this nasty migraine that started Sunday evening and just keeps hanging on. On another note, it's CD15 and I got another negative OPK this morning. I was on YouTube yesterday watching a ton of older videos of the people I'm already subscribed to and it seems fairly common on Femara to not get a positive OPK until CD22-28 so I'm still very hopeful! I've decided if nothing has happened by CD30, I will contact my doctor and figure out our next plan of action. Originally, I was going to do 3 rounds of Provera and Femara but if I'm still not ovulating, I'm wondering if there's a blockage of some sort. We'll see, I'm not going to get bent out of shape about it at this point. I hope you all have an amazing day! I will leave you with some of my favorite infertility Ecards that help me smile on days like today and make getting through this roller coaster of a journey a little bit easier!
Ok, so I've never deleted someone on my FB for this...but I may have thought about it...DON'T JUDGE ME! |
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