Hi everyone! Long time...I know! Not a ton has changed since my last update. Because of the way I responded to the Methotrexate injections, my official diagnosis was an ectopic pregnancy in June. My betas went down to zero within about 3 weeks of the shots. So, if you're keeping track, that makes for my 3rd pregnancy lost (4th baby) in approximately 6 months. I feel like I've gotten so used to the heartbreak and disappointment. The day of the Methotrexate injections (in the parking lot to be exact) my husband and I agreed we were done trying for good. We even went so far as to schedule a vasectomy consultation for this November. If any of you have been on this journey, you know that you change your mind a ton, it's a constant struggle within yourself. I honestly have no clue what I want to do at this point. Part of me doesn't want to give up, but I also don't want to face another loss. The real exciting news is in July I approached my Doctor and asked for ANY other testing that could be done. I cannot stand not having an answer. He said one of the last tests we could order is Genetic Karyotyping (https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003935.htm ) on both my husband and myself. After originally being rejected by our insurance company, my Doctor appealed their decision and eventually it was approved. We just got our results last week and they came back normal for both of us. On one hand I'm thrilled because having chromosomal issues can cause other serious problems later in life but we also didn't get the answers we so desperately desire. Another exciting piece of information is I finally started seeing a counselor for my anxiety. I was always a strong believer in working your problems out on your own but in a few short visits, I can already see an improvement in my anxiety levels. I have a long road ahead of me (thanks infertility) but I'm getting there. That's all for now!
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