Sunday, August 31, 2014

Here we go again..

Hey everyone. Again, I apologize for being a horrible blogger and not updating for months and months! Latest update is...I'm STILL not pregnant! Since my last post, I have yet to get a positive OPK. I didn't have much luck with Provera and I've actually switched Doctors. The Dr. that I was seeing in my town I felt was very passive and hands off and now that we're coming up on 3 years TTC, that's just not what I wanted. So I made the decision to drive the 25 minutes to a different Dr. and I couldn't be happier. My first visit was just a few days ago and he spent a good 45-55 minutes just TALKING to me...about my history, concerns and questions. I had a quick blood test to check my thyroid levels and progesterone. The game plan is, as soon as we get the blood test results back and see where my levels are at, I will be starting 3 rounds of Femara (letrozole). If you aren't familiar with that medication, it's basically used to force ovulation, since I'm not having any luck doing that on my own. I really have a gut feeling this time that we will get pregnant! Wish us luck, cross your fingers, send positive vibes..whatever you believe in that this will work for us!!

Until next time! Love to all!