Monday, April 18, 2016

It's a.....

BOY!!!!!! I had a feeling from very early on that we had a little boy brewing just based on the old wives tales and symptoms. The ultrasound place we went to was amazing, a HUGE screen and we got to see our little guy playing with his toes and sucking his thumb. I am totally, completely in love with our son!!

Sunday, April 3, 2016

First trimester recap

I can't believe it! I'm 13 weeks today and officially in my second trimester!! Overall, I can't complain too much about my first trimester. I just feel grateful to have made it this far and can't wait to meet our little one in about six months. I still haven't purchased anything, or even thought about getting a nursery ready..mostly because I'm waiting to hit the magical 24 week viability point...I guess that's another thing infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss does to a person. Not that I feel like buying something will jinx me, but if something does go wrong, I don't want to have to pack baby clothes away, or walk past an empty nursery. Here's some stats to sum up what the first trimester looked like for me...

Total weight gained/lost : -7 lbs. 
Symptoms: sore boobs, waves of nausea (only during weeks 7 & 8), BAD headaches (weeks 9-12), mild fatigue, hunger.
Cravings: Bagels and cream cheese, beef, spicy food
Aversions: Noodles

That's about it, nothing too terrible. The scariest moment was at 11w1d when I went to use the restroom and discovered I was bleeding bright red. I know this can be somewhat common, but in all my pregnancies, I've never had it happen to me so I was incredibly panicked. To make things worse, my husband had left that morning to go out of state for work. I immediately called my doctor and we discovered I had a subchorionic hematoma ( which only happens in about 1% of pregnancies (go figure). Generally, it doesn't pose a threat, and clears up on it's own. I haven't had any bleeding since, but in that moment, I thought it was all over...thank god everything is okay.

On a positive note, we made the official announcement on our social media pages and everyone was so thrilled for us. This is the first time we shared any of our pregnancies and it felt so nice to not feel like we weren't in hiding anymore!

That's about it, we have an early ultrasound set up in TWO WEEKS to find out the gender so I will be sure to come on and make a post about that right away!

Thank you for the support as always.
