Thursday, June 29, 2017

Sleeping through the night tips!

Every baby is different but here are my tips for helping to get your infant sleep through the night! While I think a large portion is pure luck, I believe what we did really contributed to our son sleeping a solid 8-10 hours at night as early as 8 weeks old. 

1. Get a routine down and stick to it! 
      - By the time Declan was 5-6 weeks old I started paying much closer attention to how long he went between naps and feedings comfortably. He eventually kind of picked his own napping schedule and I just went with it. Around 6 weeks old we really enacted a stricter bedtime routine. We would *try* to not let him nap past 5 PM but that all depended on how he napped earlier in the day. Starting around 6:45 PM we start a bath, dim down most of the lights in the house, followed by lotion/massage, book and bottle. This time stays very strict whether it's a weekday or weekend. We put him down when he was tired but not asleep. He always falls asleep to some kind of noise, whether it be a sound machine, fan or background TV noise. I never wanted him to only fall asleep to silence because our neighbors homes are fairly close and especially in the summertime you can hear kids playing outside until 9 or 10 PM. 

2. Overnight diapers!
    - I know most overnight diapers aren't available in a smaller size than 3 but Declan was a special case. He was 9 lb and 21" at birth and actually went home in a 0-3 mo outfit. He was in size 3 diapers by the time he was 8 weeks old and being able to use overnight diapers and keep him comfortable throughout the night I also think was important. 

3. Don't overstimulate too late in the day!
    - This is one our families still have trouble grasping it seems. If we are invited to a family get together we always try to leave by 3:30. People call us rigid but it is what it is. The few times we've stayed places up until we needed to start his bedtime routine he struggled a great deal to settle for the evening and it just isn't worth the extra stress for us and disruption in his sleeping. 

4. Ferber method...altered!
    - I am not a believer in letting an infant cry it out but I heard a lot of success stories with the Ferber method. I wasn't comfortable following it exactly, so I altered it to what I wanted. If after we put Declan down for the night he woke up within an hour or two and we knew he didn't fill his diaper and wasn't hungry, we would let him fuss (not cry) for no more than one minute. If he didn't self soothe, we would go in, put our hand on him, let him know we were there and try to soothe him back to sleep and leave the room again. If he began fussing again we would increase the interval to maybe a minute and a half and so on. We would increase the intervals every few nights, never going more than 5 minutes. Again, I want to clear, this was only fussing - NOT crying or screaming. 

5. Room sharing! 
   - Declan is now just over 9 months old and we are still room sharing. I like having him close and truly believe he sleeps better knowing we are close as well. 

6. Sleep sack!
    - Declan could weasel his way out of the tightest swaddle blankets at just a few weeks old so for his safety we transitioned him to the Halo sleep sacks and though he NEVER liked his arms being restrained at night, having the little velcro wrap around his mid section I think made him feel a lot more secure and contributed to a longer, better quality sleep. 

Like I mentioned, every baby is different but I always have people asking what our "secret" is. To be honest, when my husband was a baby, he slept through the night at two weeks old and I was two months old. Maybe it's just in our genes! Hopefully some or all of these tips can help you!

Wednesday, May 10, 2017


I can't believe it's been about 5 months since I've last updated. It really is true what they say, time FLIES when you have a little one. Declan is thriving and coming into his awesome personality a little bit more everyday. He is now 7 1/2 months old, closing in on 30" long (HOLY MOLY) and roughly 22 lbs. He is about the size of a 13 month old. He is a little wiggle worm and doesn't stay still for more than 5 seconds at a time, which is keeping us on our toes 24/7! He can say "mama", "dada" and "hi". He can scoot backwards but hasn't quite grasped the mechanics of crawling forward yet but we're thinking it will be any day now. He is still an awesome sleeper and goes an average of 11 hours at night with 3 naps during the day ranging from 20 minutes to 2 hours. I still pump exclusively (which still sucks by the way lol) so he is still breastfed and takes an average of 32 oz/day. We did introduce purees several weeks ago and he doesn't like much. He will tolerate pears, blueberries, bananas and carrots but doesn't eat more than an ounce in one sitting. So far, he HATES sweet potatoes, green beans, avocados and butternut squash. We aren't too concerned at this point because we are believers in the saying "food before one is just for fun". We have also tried, with the approval from our Doctor, giving him small chunks of some food which he is definitely not ready for, he will gag and cough. I'm not sure if it's a texture issue but we're just going to keep working with purees, eventually try thicker ones and try small chunks of food again in a couple months. He is the sweetest little boy and absolutely adores his Daddy. I got so lucky in that department, I knew my husband would be a good Dad...but he truly is an AMAZING Dad. I love the bond those two have. Declan lights up when Daddy gets home from work and he seems to save all of his big belly laughs for him! Declan is the absolute love of our lives and I'm so grateful I get to be his mom. To those still battling infertility; never, never give up because once you get to the other side it is SO worth it! 

All my love,