Thursday, July 28, 2016

Second trimester recap

Today I am 29w4d and officially in my THIRD trimester (WHAT?!?). Just like my first trimester, there isn't a ton I would complain about. The worst part has been round ligament pain...some days are better than others but if I take it easy and wear my support belt, it isn't too terrible. I'm definitely noticing that I'm pretty exhausted physically and mentally by late afternoon and it's becoming increasingly harder to breathe some days (especially when it's hot and humid)! I finally started to feel movement around 23 weeks..thanks to an anterior placenta! It was went from not feeling anything one day, to being able to see and feel it from the outside the very next. We started work on the nursery a few weeks ago (pictures to come) and painted, installed carpet and have slowly been purchasing the furniture and decor, I'd give it another 2-3 weeks and  hopefully it will be all done! On another note, in regards to my anxiety...I found that although hitting the 24 week viability point was a little bit of a wasn't what I would've expected. I was thinking I would feel this 50 lb. weight off my shoulders but in reality I'm still so scared I could lose this little guy, so I cherish every moment. Here's some stats to sum up what the second trimester looked like for me....

Weight gained/lost: +9 (making a total gain of 2 lbs this pregnancy)
Symptoms: round ligament pain, frequent urination, difficulty sleeping some nights
Cravings: mexican food, grilled veggies like yellow squash and zucchini 
Aversions: I still haven't touched a noodle since February! I'm wondering if I'll ever eat them again! haha

That's about it for my update...I'll have more to update in the coming weeks, the first week or so of the third trimester has been eventful. Stay tuned! 


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